© WWF Global Arctic Programme

ArcNet: Purpose-built tools for Arctic marine conservation planning

To facilitate data access, support finer-scale conservation planning and guide the establishment of conservation measures using ArcNet, three web portals were created for database query and custom analysis. A shapefile displaying the ArcNet PACs in mapping applications is also available.


Geranium is an engagement and visualisation tool for ecosystem-based marine spatial planning and tailored area-based conservation for the ArcNet PACs and the Arctic Ocean. The tool helps to tailor conservation measures for each locale by prioritizing engagement, organizing and guiding discussions, and fostering cooperative processes across marine stakeholders.

Assess conservation needs


CHICORY is a portal for exploring the data layers that underpin each of the 83 PACs. It allows the user to query PACs by ID number or through a clickable map and to generate a report with any available information—for example, overlapping existing protected areas and the conservation features within the selected PAC.

Explore the ArcNet PACs


ACCENTER was developed with government planners, NGO advocates and other stakeholders in mind and acts as a webbased mini-GIS. It includes desktop GIS identification tools for instantaneously querying the Marxan analysis outputs through interactive spatial requests.

Query the ArcNet Analysis


The ArcNet map

The ARCNET PACs shapefile shows the outline of the ArcNet’s 83 Priority Areas for Conservation. It can be included into mapping applications to visualise the PACs together with other marine datasets and to assist spatial planning.

Download the shapefile (2,2 MB)